Functional Integration® is a one-to-one course (private session) tailored to your personal problems and needs. It’s a great way to help you deal with mild or severe pain, chronic stress, musculoskeletal, neurological, and child development problems.

Throughout the session, you will wear your own comfortable clothing and lie comfortably on a Feldenkrais bed (a special bed built for Functional Integration®) while the Feldenkrais teacher will use the touch of his hands to suggest new possibilities without implying correction.

The subtle and precise movements he uses will have an immediate effect on your muscular, skeletal and nervous systems, so that the nervous system will start to find new neural pathways, completing and enriching the brain map of movements.

Every session will leave you feeling relaxed and happy as you heal and explore yourself.

who can BENEFIT?

Functional Integration® is suitable for:

  • People who have minor or severe pain and want quick and precise relief.
  • People who want to recover from injury quicker.
  • All those who want to explore and understand themselves.
  • All those who want to learn how to take care of themselves first.
  • People who have experienced Awareness Through Movement classes® and want to explore and heal more deeply.
  • People with minor or severe musculoskeletal and neurological problems who want to be healed.
  • People who have chronic tension and want relief.