OUR OFFER, our classes

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Weekly class (ATM)

Every class lasts 70 minutes, it includes 45 to 60 minutes followed by explanations and answers by Pascal, Feldenkrais certified teacher.

Because the movements are gentle, soft and guided by professional teacher, our classes are suitable for every public, especially those with physical limitations, those who think they are too old, or those who experience stress in their life.

TRy for free!!

We are glad to offer you this free recorded lesson (both in English and Chinese) to ease your shoulders and back.

This audio is the first of a series of 6 introductory lessons addressing different parts of the body.

Find a quiet place, lie on the floor and enjoy!

Online class (OC)

Every week we offer online Awareness Through Movement (ATM) group class.

Every class lasts 70 minutes, it includes 45 to 60 minutes followed by explanations and answers by Pascal, Feldenkrais certified teacher.

Perfect for people not living in Kunming, who have experienced weekly class or workshop, or who want to practice from home before starting their night.

You just need a mat and a quiet place.

If our class schedule doesn’t match with your agenda, we can arrange online private session.

Check our class schedule and come to experience.


Private session (ESA)

Unique and effective way to relax mentally and physically, release stress and tensions, and feeling connected to ourselves.

A session lasts 90-120 minutes, including around 90 minutes hands-on work.

Contact us to book a session.


Workshop and camp (WS)

Beside hosting workshops and event in Kunming, Pascal and Petit Tree travel all around China giving workshops of different topics, such as:

  • Awareness Through Movement
  • Loving Touch
  • Awakening Our Inner Integrity
  • Integrative Touch
  • Summer/winter camp for teenagers

You will surely find a workshop close to you.

If you are an organizer and like to invite us to your area, please let us know, and we will try our best to arrange our time.

Check out our coming up workshops and events.