Stress reduction, Relaxation and Quality of Sleep

Stress is necessary in our daily life.
Generally it’s a booster for performance, however high or chronic stress is harmful to health and can deeply influence our immune system, our emotions and our relationship to others.
Quality of sleep can influence our body self- recovery and self-reparation, our immune system, our memory, our creativity and of course our emotions.
a process to be learned
The ability to relax is a necessary process when we talk about reducing stress or improving the quality of sleep.
This process involves both mental and physical states.
The good thing is that it’s a process which can be learned.
In our programs, you will be guided to set-up your own processes or routines to help you find the your most suitable way to cope with stress or insomnia

With our Awareness Through Movement® program, by using appropriate slow, soft, and gentle movements you will learn how to deeply connect your body sensations to your nervous system which will lead you to both relaxed states of body and of mind.
With our Esalen®Massage sessions you will experience the power of touch in the process of relaxing and quieting mind.
We will make you find your suitable intimate solution.