Esalen®Massage session

Our Esalen sessions last 90 to 120 min and include about 90 minutes hands-on work by Pascal, certified Esalen®Massage practitioner, certified by Esalen Institute of California.

Beside relaxation, stress relief and improvement of motion, Pascal’s likes to focus on helping the receiver to notice and realize where there is unconscious and compulsive use of the muscular system. This leads to give to the person a very deep understanding of possible sustainable self-care and sense of wholeness.


Vagual nerve
  • Mrs M…. came to me because she was suffering from regular and constant dizziness for 3 weeks. The first time I decided to give her an Esalen session, she felt good right after the first session: the dizziness feeling almost totally disappeared. We worked together 3 more times, on the relationship between neck and shoulders and she never had to come back.
  • Mrs W… had been suffering from sorrow and depression for years. During her session she suddenly burst into laughing, sat on the table, rolled over and over, not being able to stop laughing… The realization that she still had the ability of expressing her happiness was a big turn-point in her therapy.
Inner child
  • Almost after every session, Mrs X… was sharing that she had an image of her small inner child always staying in a dark place. However, after several months of coming regularly, this image changed to a bright environment. Later on she just simply shared with me: “Thank you Pascal to have helped me regain trust in myself”.
  • Mr X… “After last session I had a very good sleep, usually I wake up many times in one night, but that day I slept from 10am to 5am without wakening even once. I was feeling so comfortable in the morning. I didn’t know why…”

There are countless stories of people who come to me because there are suffering from bad quality sleep or insomnia. Being relaxed to support good quality sleep is many times not available for a lot of people. Getting in touch with such state regularly leads to better ability to help oneself to relax and improve sleep.

  • After about a year of coming regularly twice a month to get my Esalen sessions, Mrs C… arrived at my studio with a big smile. I asked “What happened to you?”. She answered: “…these days I have realized, deeply in myself, that it’s much easier now for me to be close to people. I am not scared of close and intimate relationships anymore…that’s a revelation from my deep inside. I don’t have to push it, it comes naturally.”
  • Mrs W..: “…Pascal, after all those sessions, because of your gentle and non invasive touch, I have learned how to accept being touched by someone, and more important I am now able to touch myself. This has greatly improved my sexual relationship with my husband…yesterday he told me he doesn’t want to divorce me anymore.”
  • When she was little Mrs C… was regularly having the same dream: “endlessly falling into a big dark black bottomless hole”. Later on this dream didn’t visit her anymore. But during one of our numerous sessions she fell asleep and dreamed about falling into the same hole “…but at the bottom there were people supporting me…” she said. Weeks later she sent me a text message to say “I have been surprised those recent days that I have asked for help. This was never possible for me in the past….”