PD: Pelvis Deeply

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Instrucror: Pascal

Difficulty: 3

Type: Online class replay

Language: en/ch

This course is not a simple compilation of lessons. It is a coherent and complete curriculum, based on many years of teaching expertise, giving you a serious and profound understanding of the different functions of the pelvis.


Our pelvis plays a central role in our body’s structure.
An imbalance in the pelvic structure can lead to a range of problems, the most common being low back pain, and the most unexpected being emotional problems.

The pelvic structure is relatively complex, with many important and sensitive organs wrapped up in the pelvic cavity.
For women the pelvis is the home of the uterus and ovaries and the cradle of life creation. It is the energy of life, joy, and creativity, and therefore requires even more subtle and precise practice.

The gentle, soothing and subtle movements used in Awareness Through Movement® are just perfect for deep exploration of the pelvic area.

Movements that are too big and too strong can cause you to lose sight and sensitivity of important details and become a workout. Superficial muscular workout usually doesn’t go deep enough to reach the unreachable, doesn’t promote necessary sensitivity to repair and heal at a deeper level.

With this in mind, Pascal has designed this in-depth pelvic series. It’s in-depth because it not only touches the musculoskeletal level, but also covers the internal organs, located in and around the pelvis.
This course is intended to help you to provide you with a greater sense of all the different relationships for which the pelvis is the heart.

Each session will provide you with practical tools to increase your chances of relieving stress, reducing pain and improving mobility.

Inspired by the essence of Awareness Through Movement®, this course will be your personal daily toolbox for self-care, well-being and improved movement.

This course has been specially designed by Pascal, drawing on his long experience of teaching the Feldenkrais Method®, with a sense of progressiveness, and deep learning.

Through the integrative power of the Feldenkrais Method®, you will learn about functional anatomy and neuro-antomy, giving you a holistic understanding of self-awareness and self-image.

This course doesn’t just focus on the pelvic area. It will make you feel how the inner activations and movements of the parts of the body furthest away from it, play an important role in the quality and ease of our whole body, making this course a very advanced practice experience.

More than 10 hours of audio and video recordings.

9 Sessions of Awareness Through movement®

  1. Gluteus and spine
  2. Sacroiliac Joints
  3. Pelvic floor and abductors
  4. Pelvic floor activation
  5. Letting go in pelvic floor
  6. Pelvic floor and belly
  7. Abs
  8. Gluteus and back
  9. Psoas and abductors

Lecture on Functional Anatomy
Q&A session (playback)

Kaikibu members: 15% off
Subscription renewal: 40% off

If you need more information, or if you like to signing up for this course, please contact our WeChat assistant by scanning this QR code.

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