Coloring Your Shoulders (and Neck)

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Type of course: Online Live Streaming with free Replay

Language: English/Chinese
Difficulty: 2 (3)

After our face, our shoulders come second in the position of importance for the expression of what we show of ourselves to others.

In many occasions, this golden triangle made by your shoulders, arms and neck gives more information about your inner state (mood, emotions, etc…) to people around you, than your facial expressions.

In other words: “Our upper torso is amazingly talkative!”

The way we shape our shoulders is also the result and the expression of the state of our back, spine, chest and pelvis, in this course we will learn how different distant parts of our body are connecting and therefore able to talk to this triangle.
This deep understanding of your own biomechanics and personal organization will make you clearly realize how you unconsciously shape your body and how, sometimes, you even bring soreness and pain to yourselves.


Unlike other joints of our body, the shoulder joint, also called the glenohumeral joint, isn’t directly supported by the bone structure. There are about eight muscles in your shoulder that support this joint. They give it strength, stability and shape. It provides also more range of motion than any other joint in your body.

Your shoulder muscles are skeletal muscles, tendons attach them to bones, and they’re voluntary muscles.
Your shoulder muscles stabilize your shoulder joint and help you move your arm in many directions.
The shoulder muscles serve a variety of functions such as holding the bones of your shoulder joint in place, moving your arms in different directions, protecting and rotating your shoulder joint itself.

This is how, from this variety of motions we access to a huge variety of expressions.

Getting to know all those possibilities help us to maintain healthier shoulders, but also to complete our self-image.

So what?

Since the shoulder joint is extremely flexible and mobile, the muscles and other soft tissues around it undergo a lot of wear and tear. This makes the shoulder muscles susceptible to injuries and degenerative conditions, including: adhesive capsulitis, bursitis, rotator cuff injury, impingement syndrome or strain.
Shoulder muscle injuries are common in people who use their shoulders a lot for overhead motions, such as pitchers or swimmers.

Due to the gentleness of the Feldenkrais movements, and its ability to involve the nervous system, this practice helps recovering from injuries and coping with pain.

What will you learn:

Lessons are built in a way that each one will give you practical tools for you to expand the possibilities to release tensions, reduce pain, and improve mobility.

With this course, built around the essence of Awareness Through Movement (ATM), your own personal tool kit for daily self-care of this golden triangle formed by your shoulders and neck, giving new colours to your shoulders and neck.

Thank to the power of integration of the Feldenkrais Method, we will practice movements with the focus of how the most distant parts of our body play a role in the quality and ease of our shoulders and neck, which makes this course a kind of advanced practice.


  • At least 7 ATM lessons clarifying:
    • relationship between base of the neck and the shoulders, through C7
    • improving medial rotation and external rotation of the arm
    • easing flexion and extension of the shoulder through the chest
    • connecting with lightness through breathing consistent abduction/adduction for releasing neck pain
    • holding shoulders and neck in sitting
    • grounded shoulders from the feet up
  • Functional anatomy
  • Questions & Answers


  • Combo: online live stream class with access to replay
  • Time: every Tuesday evening 19:30 to 20:40
  • Number of sessions: 7
  • Starting on 2023, August, 8th
  • Kaikibu members: 880元

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