CYN: Color Your Neck (The Golden Triangles)

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Second Edition (updated)

Instructor: Pascal

Difficulty: 2

Type:online workshop replay

Languages: EN/CH

“All sessions are designed to enable you to consciously re-establish healthy habits and help you to consistently look after the often uncomfortable part of your body that you will later call, as I do, the “Golden Triangles”.”

~ Pascal, IFF certified Feldenkrais practitioner ~

We are glad and proud to release, here, the second edition (augmented version) of the well appreciated “The Golden Triangles” series of classes about the neck (and shoulders). It is also a complement to the Colouring Your Shoulders course, it can be taken separately or together with it.

This course is not a simple compilation of lessons. It is a coherent and complete curriculum, based on many years of teaching expertise, giving you a serious and profound understanding of the importance of fluidity of movement in the cervical spine, its influence on shoulder comfort, and its interaction with other parts of the body up to the pelvis.

Reducing neck tension can increase comfort in the shoulders, relieve headaches and improve sleep quality.

As well, better fluidity of neck movement improves our sense of balance and the way we position ourselves in space. A softer and lighter neck greatly improves our kinaesthetic sense and our sense of security when moving.
This triangle is responsible for moving and orientating our telemetry in the best way possible so that we feel safe, ready for action, emotionally stable and positive.

This course doesn’t forget the importance of head and face, and especially how freer jaw joint can reduce neck tension.

Take these 8 steps to improve your quality of life.

Each session will provide you with practical tools to increase your chances of relieving stress, reducing pain and improving mobility.

Inspired by the essence of Awareness Through Movement®, this course will be your personal daily toolbox for self-care, well-being and improved movement.

This course has been specially designed by Pascal, drawing on his long experience of teaching the Feldenkrais Method®, with a sense of progressiveness, and deep learning.

Through the integrative power of the Feldenkrais Method®, you will learn about functional anatomy and neuro-antomy, giving you a holistic understanding of self-awareness and self-image.

This course doesn’t just focus on the neck area. It will make you feel how the inner activations and movements of the parts of the body furthest away from it, play an important role in the quality and ease of the neck region to remain fluid and light, making this course a very advanced practice experience.

More than 10 hours of audio and video recordings.

8 Sessions of Awareness Through movement®

  1. Neck and shoulders
  2. Spine and shoulders
  3. Neck and jaw
  4. Top of the neck
  5. Base of the neck
  6. Power of the neck in turning
  7. Elongation of the neck
  8. Neck and eyes

Lecture on Functional Anatomy
Q&A session (playback)

Before March, 8th: 20% off

Kaikibu members: 15% off

Subscription renewal: 40% off

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