
“What do we do with what has made us what we are? “ Postures and Emotions: The Unfinished Events Our physical postures are the visible results of our unfinished or incomplete movements. They are created when, for emotional or physical reasons, the velocity of the movement becomes zero, or the movement is interrupted, or the…

Apart from his books, we have very few audio, and even less video material about Moshe Feldenkrais which can help us to try and continue to understand who he was and what he was all about. Nevertheless, a number of recordings of the lessons he taught in Israel, in Tel Aviv, exist on tape, some…

Do you remember how you felt during that conversation when the other person kept interrupting you, seeming not to pay attention to what you were saying? Frustrated? Disappointed? Angry? Maybe all of the above… Listening Listening to the other without interrupting.Listening without waiting for our turn to speak.Listening not without judging, but listening while being…

With ATM movements, in a very short time we can experience, lightness, ease and elegance in our movements, but is this practice only physical practice? We, as human beings, would not have a brain if we would not have to move. Vegetables and trees have the ability to adapt to the environment, even if some…

(translated from Chinese) At the beginning of the New Year, everyone was still immersed in the joy of welcoming the New Year, but along with me were the sky and earth spinning around, there was almost no way to freely change from a long sleep position to a normal sitting position, and no way to…

You have probably heard the sentence: “From inside out”, referring to the ability our inner world has to express towards the outside, to become the expression of our potential. Both used in some spiritual practices and psychology schools. With Inside Moves and Feldenkrais Method, we explore this fundamental pattern of our body being organized for…

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