“Movement is life.

Life is a process.

Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.”

~ Moshé Feldenkrais ~

Moving better, feeling better!

Whether you are 30 or 70 years old, you want to improve your life experience with age, and you like to be as less as possible restrained in your physical comfort.

You want to retain physical resilience and stay engaged in an active life with friends or family.

You want to keep learning and find new experiences without worrying that you are going to get hurt.

And you like to keep your body moving in way that is safe, approachable, and effective.

Our classes will give you the experience that despite ageing, improving functions, ease and comfort is reachable. Reversing the downward spiral that people commonly expect from ageing.

Through our Feldenkrais® movements based lessons we will help you find youthful movement and  break habitual and restrictive movement patterns. Eventually building new youthful lifelong habit.

Our suggested programs:



Awareness Through Movement®

Pascal giving Functional Integration session


Functional Integration®