CYSC: Coloring your Sleep


Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement workshop by Pascal

Instructor: Pascal


Languages: EN/CH

Course tags:

Course categories: Feldenkrais | Live streaming | Replay | Workshop | 回放 | 工作坊 | 直播课 | 费登奎斯

Colouring Your Sleep is the new update of this famous and well appreciated workshop crafted by Pascal, and given by him several times since 2019.

The course is using movements based on Feldenkrais® movements with the aim to help you to find your personal tools either for soothing, relaxing the body, calming down the mind or coping with sleeping disorders.

Sometimes we think that we want to sleep for getting relaxed.
That’s often right! Sleeping often helps relaxing.
But before sleeping we need to fall asleep, and to fall asleep we need to go through the process of relaxing.

But feeling relaxed what does it mean exactly?
Do you have your own process to switch to that state of mind?

Quality matters as much as quantity does!

No need to say how much sleeping is important…

By sleeping we satisfy basic needs among those are resting, relaxing or recovering. But furthermore, new neuroscience discoveries are telling us that sleeping helps to consolidate memory, to enhance creativity, to consolidate our immune system or to detoxify the brain…
Bad quality of sleep, or shortage of sleep, may lead to dysfunction of our digestion and immune system.

Our sleep is an image of our connection to ourselves.

When I started my work with creating Integratis, I was thinking that, if I help people to have better self awareness (physically, emotionally…), then their quality of sleep will not be a question any more. And actually it does work well. Very few of my students, after attending several classes, complain about their sleeping quality.

Getting a deeper awareness of the diversity and potential of our movements (both physical and mental) changes our emotions completing our self-image.

Our physical body is just the extension of our nervous system (mind). Our body can’t think, and can’t feel. Our brain by interpreting the sensations of our body, produces feelings or emotions. Giving us the illusion that our body is “feeling”.

Why Awareness Through Movement® works on improving sleep?

Struggle with sleep is due to stress, physical discomfort, and a restless mind. The Feldenkrais Method® offers a unique approach to addressing these issues by focusing on the connection between movement and awareness.

Awareness Through Movement lessons guide you through gentle, mindful movements that encourage a state of relaxation and calm. By tuning into the subtleties of your body’s sensations, you can release tension, improve your breathing, and cultivate a sense of inner peace. These practices help quiet the mind and prepare the body for activities which require calm, like a restful night’s sleep.

The Link Between Movement and Sleep

Quality sleep is essential for maintaining good health, mental clarity, and emotional stability. However, many people struggle with sleep due to stress, physical discomfort, and a restless mind. The Feldenkrais Method offers a unique approach to addressing these issues by focusing on the connection between movement and awareness.

Awareness Through Movement lessons guide you through gentle, mindful movements that encourage a state of relaxation and calm.

Benefits of Awareness Through Movement for Sleep

  1. Relaxation: ATM lessons promote deep relaxation by reducing muscle tension and calming the nervous system. This relaxation response can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

  2. Mindfulness: The practice of paying close attention to your movements fosters a state of mindfulness, which can reduce the racing thoughts and anxiety that often interfere with positive emotions and sleep.

  3. Breathing: Improved awareness and control of your breathing patterns can lead to more efficient concentration and restful sleep. Many ATM lessons incorporate breathing exercises that help deepen and slow your breath, signaling to your body that it is time to rest.

  4. Stress Reduction: Regular practice of Feldenkrais can lower overall stress levels, making it easier to unwind and prepare for activities which require creativity or for sleep.

  5. Physical Comfort: By improving your posture and movement habits, ATM can alleviate physical discomfort and pain that may be disrupting your well being and sleep.

This is for you if:

  • you look for new ways of letting go
  • you feel like you are bearing too much pressure
  • you have falling asleep or sleeping disorders
  • you have difficulties to cope with emotions
  • you like to learn how to clear up your your mind for boosting your creativity
  • you like to help people around you
  • you are more 15 year old

Beside taking sleeping pills, several other methods help improving quality of sleep, such as physical activity, meditation, etc…

They all have their benefits and limitations, and everybody is different. So finding the right tool for yourself can look like a long quest…

In this course, we will explore a variety of ATM lessons specifically designed to address sleep difficulties.

Whatever you are looking for ways to relax yourself or to improve your quality of sleep, this workshop will introduce to you very practical ways and tools you could take in your tool box, wherever you go, and whenever you want.

Each class will build upon the previous one, guiding you through movements that soothe the body and calm the mind.

You will learn how to:

  • Release tension and ease muscle stiffness
  • Enhance your breathing for relaxation
  • Develop a mindful awareness of your body’s needs
  • Create a pre-sleep routine that promotes better relaxing state and sleep
  • Prepare night sleep in day time
  1. Session 1: Getting to know our residual muscle tone
  2. Session 2: Reducing our muscle tone
  3. Session 3: Breathing into soothing
  4. Session 4: Reducing noise in our mind and brain
  5. Session 5: Letting go through touch
  6. Session 6: Letting go through movement

The above is a general arrangement of the course, the content of each lesson will be adjusted by the teacher based on the learning progression and the actual needs of the students.

Each session includes:

  • live streaming
  • Tailored made Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement®
  • explanation
  • lecture
  • 6 live streaming sessions
  • Agenda: one session each week
  • Starting on July, 9th
  • Time: 19:00-20:00
  • Replay on-demand: if you cannot join the session on time, we provide you with replays which you can play at any time from our platform, with cell phone or computer.