CSC: 胸部和脊柱,凝聚了更大的灵活性 | Chest and Spine, Cohesive for Greater Flexibility

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教员: 帕斯卡 (Pascal)


课程标签: 动中觉察 | 呼吸 | 背部 | 胸腔 | 脊柱

课程类别: 回放 | 工作坊 | 课程 | 费登奎斯

语言: 英文/中文


用呼气来后弯 | Backward bending in exhalation
利用水平面上的移动柔软胸腔和脊柱 | Softening Chest and Spine in Frontal Plane
通过脊柱扭转激活肋骨 | Activating the rib cage in twisted spine
打开胸腔(进阶)| Advanced chest opening
利用内在的球沿着脊柱做区分 [ Inner ball building differentiation along spine
认识胸骨 | Getting to now the Sternum
在坐立中找到自在感 | Feeling at ease in sitting
经由躯干的分化在站立中建立轻盈和拔高感 | Dissociation in the trunk develops tallness and lightness in standing